Let's assume someone wrote an eno document describing which clothing to wear at different temperatures:
30 degrees celsius: Swimming trunks
10 degrees celsius: Warm pullover and windjacket
`-10 degrees celsius`: A very warm coat
You'll notice that something is different in the third line: The -10 degrees celsius
has been put between two backticks ( `
Here's why:
-10 degrees celsius
starts with a -
, and in eno every line starting with a -
is interpreted as a list item as we learned before, therefore we need some way to say that we really mean "minus 10 degrees celsius" and not "10 degrees celsius" as an item in a list.
Here are some more examples of escaping in eno:
``: The eno website
Every field in eno follows the pattern key: value
, but in this case our key
contains a :
already, therefore we need to escape it.
`` `hypothetical` ``: The word "hypothetical" inside backticks
You might have wondered how an escape can be escaped, this is achieved by using two backticks around the key that is itself wrapped in (single) backticks, and leaving spaces so it does not look like three backticks. (these spaces on the outside are not included in the key though)
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